K-12 Schools
What is OverDrive Advantage?
OverDrive’s Advantage program allows you to offer additional titles exclusively for a specific school (within a district’s shared collection) or a specific grade (within a school’s shared collection).
Any school that is currently a member of an OverDrive shared collection can become an Advantage member.
Contact your Account Manager or email asksora@overdrive.com to learn more or get started with OverDrive Advantage.

The benefits of Advantage
Become an OverDrive Advantage member and offer your students:
- Reduced wait times by adding extra copies of popular titles
- Additional titles that aren’t in the shared collection
- Custom collections of titles developed specifically for your school or grade
- Continued access to titles in the shared collection
Plus, you can add funds as needed to purchase new content for your school.
How does Advantage work?
OverDrive Advantage members receive a special login to their shared collection’s Marketplace account. Advantage accounts are created based on the Marketplace reporting structure the shared collection has established (by school building or by grade).
In Marketplace, Advantage members can:
- Order titles and curate collections exclusively for their students
- Order MARC records for their Advantage titles
- Track the success of their Advantage collection with Marketplace’s real-time reports
In Sora, students will:
- See their school’s Advantage titles integrated seamlessly into the shared collection
- Enjoy exclusive access to their school’s Advantage titles along with continued access to shared collection titles
- Have the same loan periods and lending rules established for both Advantage titles and shared collection titles