Public Libraries

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All Access Collection Subscriptions

All access packages by genre and format. Simultaneous use. One flat fee. All ages.

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What are All Access Collections?

The ultimate solution for libraries seeking unlimited access to popular titles without the hassle of holds or waitlists. With these packages, you can offer your patrons seamless access to a curated selection of ebooks, magazines and comics & graphic novels ensuring that everyone can enjoy their favorite reads simultaneously – for one flat fee. That saves time and budget!

How it Works?

All Access Collection Subscriptions


Coming Soon!

Love without limits. This collection of romance titles will indulge your patrons in a world of passion, intrigue, and happily ever afters.


Coming Soon!

Secrets unveiled. This collection of mystery titles will take your patrons into a realm of suspense, intrigue, and adrenaline-pumping thrills.

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Kids Building Blocks Library

Support literacy with five different children’s content collections including: Emotional Wellness, Graphic Nonfiction, Animals & Nature, STEM and Beginning Readers. Purchase these packages individually or buy all 830 titles!

Emotional Wellness

Empower children, this collection of 72 titles promotes emotional, mental, and social wellness in children.

Graphic Nonfiction

Go exploring, this collection of 95 titles provides an engaging and educational experience by combining visually appealing graphics with factual information.

Animals & Nature

It’s just too cute! This collection of 150 titles offers a delightful and educational experience centered around the fascinating world of wildlife.


Explore the wonders of the world, this collection of 246 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) titles offer an engaging and educational experience designed to inspire curiosity and foster a love for these fields.

Beginning Readers

Start them young, this collection of 300 titles offers engaging and age-appropriate titles to support early literacy development.

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A world of endless inspiration, this Collection of over 5,000 Magazines provides insight into the latest trends in fashion and lifestyle, in-depth analysis of current affairs and beyond.

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Comics & Graphic Novels

Vibrant worlds and captivating narratives, this collection of 4,000 Comics and Graphic Novels include everything from fantastical adventures to thought-provoking dramas to ignite the imaginations of readers of all ages.

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Kanopy Plus Packs

Give patrons access to pre-curated, unlimited use Packs of about 300 films based on themes and genres including British Cinema and TV, Episodic Titles, Favorites, Easy Watching, Diversity, Documentaries and World Cinema.

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Regardless of cultural background, social status or age. Everyone Reads!

OverDrive has donated these growing collections of unlimited simultaneous use ebooks and audiobooks at no cost to libraries, helping them meet the unprecedented demand for digital books in their communities. These specially curated titles are perfect for digital book clubs, community reading events, student reading programs, and general inventory support.

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