Kindle ereaders & Amazon Fire tablets

Kindle ereaders
OverDrive is the exclusive provider of Kindle-compatible ebooks to public libraries in the U.S. Your patrons can easily search for and borrow Kindle Books through the Libby app or your library’s OverDrive website. With a few easy steps, patrons can enjoy borrowed ebooks on their favorite Kindle ereader.
In the Libby app, patrons can use filters to easily find Kindle Books.

- Tap
to show all filters.
- Scroll to Read With… filter.
- Tap kindle.
- Then tap Show Titles.
They can also set their reading preference to “Kindle” to streamline the process of sending borrowed ebooks to Kindle.

Amazon Fire tablets
Patrons with Fire tablets can install Libby from the Amazon Appstore on compatible Fire tablets. Libby is compatible with Fire tablets from 2020 or later, plus some earlier models.
What magazines are offered?