MARC Record Options For Your OverDrive Digital Library

MARC records provide integration of OverDrive digital content with your library’s online catalog for increased discoverability.

eBiblioFile MARC records ($1.00 USD per full record)

eBiblioFile offers full, ready-to-load records in MARC21 format that can be edited locally as needed. When a full record cannot be provided, a minimum record is delivered at no cost with the option of receiving full-level replacement records once the titles are cataloged. MARC records are delivered within 24-48 hours of placing an order with OverDrive.

OCLC MARC records ($1.62 USD per record)

OCLC offers full, ready-to-load records in MARC21 format. When a full-level record cannot be provided, OCLC can deliver a “Less Than Full” record pending the creation of a full record at a later date. MARC records from OCLC are customizable. Learn more by contacting us at

OverDrive MARC Express (free)

OverDrive MARC Express offers minimum, ready-to-load records in MARC21 format that can be edited locally as needed. MARC records are created in-house from publisher-provided metadata and delivered to OverDrive Marketplace within 24-48 hours of placing an order with OverDrive.

BDS MARC records (included with BDS subscription)

UK libraries only: BDS offers full, ready-to-load records in MARC21 or UKMARC format that can be edited locally as needed.

Vendor Details

BDS icon eBibliofile icon OCLC icon OverDrive logo
MARC Option BDS eBiblioFile OCLC OverDrive MARC Express
Cost included with BDS subscription $1.00 (USD) $1.62 USD price. OCLC can bill any customer outside of the United States in the local currency equivalent. free
Billing cycle n/a monthly Two billing options:
  • Monthly, billed by OCLC
  • Quarterly, billed by OverDrive
Record type full full (minimum free record when full record not available at time of ordering) Full-level WorldCat record with OCLC control Number. minimum
Turnaround time 5-10 business days 1-2 business days 2-3 business days for already cataloged titles next day
MARC format MARC21 or UKMARC MARC21 MARC21 (using RDA cataloging standards) MARC21
Customization available no 245 (title statement), 300 (physical description), 655 (index term) and 856 (public note) only Any “new” static field can be added to records upon request. Standard edits include: 245 GMD and 856 format specific public and excerpt notes. yes, 856 (public note), 949/950 (local processing) fields, and additional preferences for 245, 521, and 852 fields
Ready to load yes yes yes yes
Delivery method library preference: email or FTP email OCLC’s WorldShare MyFiles or via FTP OverDrive Marketplace
OCLC Control Number present no no yes no
Advantage supported yes yes yes yes
Metered/Simultaneous Access MARC supported optional optional optional optional
Non-English records (Double-byte) no yes no optional