May 12th – August 25th, 2025

Join us this summer with OverDrive’s annual reading program. Sora Sweet Reads is designed for schools in the United States and Canada (for our global program, click here) to encourage students to keep reading all year long. We’re offering a collection of free, simultaneous-use ebooks (and select audiobooks) that spans grades K-12. These titles will be available to participating schools and prominently displayed in Sora so it’s easy for students to find their next sweet read.

Content availability may vary by geographic market. Please contact your Account Manager or email with any questions.

Click here to view additional resources.

Engaging reads for your young readers.

An exciting mix of young adult titles for teens.

An exciting mix of young adult titles for teens.



Sora Sweet Reads Print Materials


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Sora Sweet Reads Social Graphics


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Sweet reads title resources

Sora’s sister company TeachingBooks is providing curated lists of resources for Sweet Reads titles. Check out these free videos, recordings, and book-related games for each collection: Elementary, Middle, High

Summer Reading Journal

Sora has partnered with Book Creator for a fun new way to document summer reading. Using a special template, students can complete a series of fun enrichment activities to create their custom book report. Check out our instructional video to get started, then download the instruction sheet for your school community.
Get Sora and start reading today!

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