K-12 Schools

Comics & Graphic Novels

Graphic of tablet devices showing comic books

Add some POW! to your collection with OverDrive’s extensive digital catalog of popular comic & graphic novels. Choose from DC Comics, Marvel Entertainment, Image Comics, IDW, VIZ Media, and many more!

Why choose comics & graphic novels?

Reach Readers image

Reach reluctant readers who’ve been hesitant to try traditional ebooks & audiobooks

Appeal to all ages image

Appeal to students of all ages with a variety of juvenile and YA titles

Teach the classics image

Teach the classics with graphic novelizations of classic literature

Explore comics, manga, and graphic image

Explore comics, manga, and graphic novels in a variety of languages to reach your LOTE community

Resources to build your collection

Bundle & Save with All Access Comics

One simple solution at one annual price! Engage readers with hundreds of titles and popular brands. All titles are selected by librarians and vetted for quality and appropriateness. Here are a few examples of these always-available titles!

The Lion King comic book cover
Star Wars Adventures comic book cover
Skyward comic book cover
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book cover

Bundle & Save with All Access Comics

One simple solution—at one annual price–to engage readers with hundreds of titles and popular brands. All titles are selected by librarians and vetted for quality and appropriateness. Here’s a few title examples–there’s something for all ages!

They Called Us Enemy  book cover
Spider-Man Spider-Verse book cover
My Little Pony When Cutie Calls book cover
The Avengers book cover

Huge A La Carte Selection

Use our recommended lists to choose specific titles available in Marketplace. We update them often, to help you shop smart and boost your curation.

Huge A La Carte Selection

Pick and choose from our recommended lists, for sale now in Marketplace. They are updated often, to help you shop smart, and add some “pow!” to your curation.

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Up Next: Magazines