Allow your patrons to enjoy magazines, ebooks, and audiobooks all in one place. OverDrive is excited to offer OverDrive Magazines, over 4,000 popular titles supplied in partnership with ZINIO and available to read in Libby!
OverDrive Magazines have no circulation cap and allow unlimited simultaneous use, so patrons can enjoy every issue of every magazine. With smart tags in Libby, patrons can be notified when each new issue is released.
What magazines are offered?
- Popular titles such as Us Weekly, National Geographic, Good Housekeeping, Vanity Fair, and Rolling Stone
- Special interest titles such as PC World, Bon Appetit, Minecraft World, and Women’s Fitness
- Titles in a variety of languages including Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, German, French, and more
- Rolling 3 years of back issues, wherever available
View the full list of magazine titles in OverDrive Marketplace in the Simultaneous Use section of the Shop tab. OverDrive Magazines can be curated and weeded in OverDrive Marketplace, so you can promote the content you want to your patrons.

How do users discover and enjoy OverDrive Magazines?
- One tap to read: When a user discovers a magazine in your collection, they can open it and start reading with one tap, generating a checkout for your library.
- Streamlined access: Magazines will have a new dedicated section of the Shelf, called the Magazine Rack. This will help users find their favorite magazines from your library in one convenient place.
- Easier subscriptions: Users can subscribe to magazines from your library via a new, convenient Subscribe option. When a new issue is released, it will automatically be added to the user’s Magazine Rack and generate a checkout for your library.
- Improved discovery: From their Magazine Rack, users can navigate to the Newsstand, a new view of a user’s recently opened issues and other popular magazine titles in your collection.
How do users discover and enjoy OverDrive Magazines?

Why add OverDrive Magazines?
- Expands the content variety in your library catalog, appealing to a wider user base
- Allows for consolidated management of platforms and vendors for your library
- Provides fresh, current juvenile and young adult content
- Increases your library’s overall circulation of content
- Simplifies patron experience—magazines are seamlessly integrated into Libby and your library’s OverDrive website
- Provides an excellent reading experience with Libby’s special article view
Why add OverDrive Magazines?
Promote your collections
Magazine Marketing Kit
Download marketing resources and reach out to local media with a magazine press release template.
Looking for more materials? Download social media assets, printable flyers and more to drive awareness. Find assets

Reach more readers
Learn more about how you can increase your library’s overall circulation of content with OverDrive Magazines
Let’s Talk Magazines
Complete this form to let us know you are interested in learning more about adding magazines to your collection. An OverDrive magazine expert will be in touch within 2-3 business days.