Shelf Express for Public Libraries
OverDrive’s answer to standing order plans
OverDrive’s Digital Content Librarians understand that librarians are busier than ever and hope that our knowledge can help save you time and energy. We now have an automated cart creation process based on best seller and other librarian favorite lists. Your only responsibility? Review the carts and purchase when you are ready!
This service is free of charge, and librarians can opt in or out at any time.
Questions? Learn more below or contact your Digital Content Librarian or Account Manager.

Shelf Express Plan Options
Top Books by Month
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains our top picks with a street date in the upcoming month. It features all genres and formats but tends to be mostly adult audience.
When does the plan run?
Monthly on the 20th.
Bang For Your Buck
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains our picks priced around or under $10 with a street date of the past month. It features titles across all audiences and genres, but tends to be mostly ebook format.
When does the plan run?
Monthly on the 20th.
Top Picks of Next Week
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains our top picks with a street date of the upcoming week. It features all genres and formats but tends to be mostly adult audience.
When does the plan run?
Weekly on Monday.
New York Times Weekly Best Sellers – Adult
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains adult audience titles in all formats from the New York Times Best Sellers List.
When does the plan run?
Weekly on Monday.
New York Times Weekly Best Sellers – Kids & Teens
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains kids and teen audience titles in all formats from the New York Times Best Sellers List.
When does the plan run?
Weekly on Monday.
USA Today Best Sellers
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains titles in all audiences and formats from the USA Today Best Sellers List.
When does the plan run?
Weekly on Monday.
Globe & Mail Best Sellers (weekly)
For Canadian Partners only
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains titles in all audiences and formats from the Globe and Mail Best Sellers List.
When does the plan run?
Weekly on Monday.
Starred Reviews
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains titles that received starred reviews from Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and/or School Library Journal. Its titles have a street date of the past month and span all genres, audiences, and formats.
When does the plan run?
Monthly on the 20th.
Series: New & Next
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains titles from our Series Continuations & Starters list. These are releases that are either the first in a new series or the latest in an existing series. Its titles have a street date of the current month and it features all genres, audiences, and formats.
When does the plan run?
Monthly on the 20th.
Top Nonfiction
What’s in the plan?
This cart contains the latest and greatest in adult nonfiction. It offers titles in all formats with a street date in the upcoming month.
When does the plan run?
Monthly on the 20th.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is required to get started?
An OverDrive Marketplace account is required. Contact your OverDrive administrator at your library or consortium to discuss Marketplace access.
How does it work?
We are currently offering a handful of lists we feel will be the most impactful. Each of these lists is updated on a weekly or monthly basis and after the update, a cart (containing only the titles you don’t currently own) will be created in Marketplace for your review. From there, you can edit the cart at your leisure, adding additional copies of high-demand titles or deleting titles that don’t meet your collection development policy, and purchase the cart when you’re ready.
Who is selecting these lists?
OverDrive’s Digital Content Librarians are always working behind the scenes, scouring industry publications, newspapers and magazines, blogs, and best-sellers lists to make sure our partner libraries have the resources needed to make informed purchasing decisions.