Collection Development: Library

OverDrive has donated these growing collections of unlimited simultaneous use ebooks and audiobooks* at no cost to libraries, helping them meet the unprecedented demand for digital books in their communities. These specially curated titles are perfect for digital book clubs, community reading events, student reading programs, and general inventory support. These collections may be periodically updated with new content.
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OverDrive has donated these growing collections of unlimited simultaneous use ebooks and audiobooks* at no cost to libraries, helping them meet the unprecedented demand for digital books in their communities. These specially curated titles are perfect for digital book clubs, community reading events, student reading programs, and general inventory support.No cost ebooks and audiobooks for libraries
Adult Collection
The Everyone Reads adult bundle features more than 230+ ebooks and audiobooks from Bloomsbury, Kensington, W.W. Norton & Company, and other participating publishers. These titles will be available to your users through January 31, 2025.
See the list in Marketplace and download marketing materials.
Social and Emotional Learning Collection
This Everyone Reads collection includes over 50* simultaneous use ebooks and audiobooks to help enhance your existing catalog with fiction and nonfiction content you can use for youth engagement opportunities, virtual events, and ongoing community programming. Check out the title list in OverDrive Marketplace or learn more. These titles will be available to your users until June 30, 2025.
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Kids & Teens Collection
The Everyone Reads Kids & Teens bundle features more than 250* ebooks and audiobooks from Sourcebooks, Lerner Publishing Group, Rosen Publishing, Triangle Interactive, and other participating publishers. The bundle has been added to your OverDrive collection with availability through the end of July 2026.
See the list in Marketplace and download marketing materials.