Marketing & Outreach: Library
Get the word out about your OverDrive collection with our free resources to print, distribute, or share digitally.
Kanopy Video Ads

Share Kanopy's digital video ad with your community on your library's social media!
Suggested Post Copy

Come to Kanopy for Documentaries

Let your patrons know about Kanopy's vast collection of documentaries.
Kanopy Documentaries

Typographic Posters

Our typographic poster informs patrons and visitors about the content Kanopy offers all with a library card. Customize the poster with your library’s unique URL in Adobe Acrobat Pro and print at your favorite printer.
8.5×11” and 11×17” size posters with bleeds included
General poster version ready to go as-is
Customizable posters need your library’s unique Kanopy URL before printing

3D Grid Poster

Our 3D Grid Poster shows patrons the wide range of videos on Kanopy, all available with a library card. Customize the poster with your library’s unique URL in Adobe Acrobat Pro and print at your favorite printer.
8.5×11” and 11×17” size posters with bleeds included
General poster version ready to go as-is
Customizable posters need your library’s unique Kanopy URL before printing

General Bookmarks

Our popular bookmarks are informational and interactive with getting started steps, sample content, and a word search. Customize the bookmark with your library’s unique URL in Adobe Acrobat Pro and print at your favorite printer.
2×6” size
Please customize your bookmark art before having them printed

Kids Bookmark

Our popular Kanopy Kids bookmark is fun and interactive with getting started steps, sample cartoon characters, and a word search! Customize the bookmark with your library’s unique URL in Adobe Acrobat Pro and print at your favorite printer.
2×6” size
Please customize your bookmark art before having it printed