Category: Uncategorized
Who do I contact at OverDrive if I have a question?
When shopping in OverDrive Marketplace, I see abbreviations like OC/OU and MA. What do these mean?
- OC/OU = One copy/one user
- MA = Metered access
- SU = Simultaneous use
How can my library add public domain eBooks to our service?
When will titles I purchase appear on our digital library website?
How do I get access or create a new username for OverDrive Marketplace?
I have questions about how to use OverDrive Marketplace. Where can I learn more?
How do I suggest subject heading changes to titles in our digital collection?
How do I find out about current sales and special promotions?
Stay informed on the latest releases and sales for digital books by signing up to receive OverDrive Newsletters via email and subscribing to OverDrive Blogs. Visit the Featured page in OverDrive Marketplace and our Content Sales page regularly to find current sales and promotions highlighted.
I purchased a title in error. Can I get a refund/credit?
What options are available for MARC records?
There are several options for integrating titles in your digital collection with your library’s online catalog to increase discoverability. Learn more on the MARC Records page in OverDrive Marketplace, under the ADMIN tab. (If you don’t see the Admin tab, contact your library’s OverDrive Marketplace Administrator for assistance or to request the appropriate permissions.)
You can also find out more about our free MARC Express Records and download samples from our Resource Center page:
Can I request that OverDrive acquire a certain title?
I have a title from a local author that I would like to add to our digital collection. How can I go about that?
How can I upload eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming video for which my library has copyright?
The ability to upload local content, such as historical documents, local author interviews, community resources, and more, is available in the Local Content section on the Admin tab. OverDrive Marketplace users with ‘Local content’ permission can add new content or edit existing content for which your library has copyright.
For more information on local content, including supported formats, visit Marketplace Help > Admin > Local Content.
What is User Login Manager?
For information about User Login Manager, please contact your Account Manager.
I recently issued a new library card number to a user and now he/she is unable to access holds and borrowed titles on his/her old card on the digital library website. How can we fix it?
You can merge a user’s original and new barcodes (library cards or other IDs they use to sign into your site) in OverDrive Marketplace using the Merge IDs tool under the SUPPORT tab. This will allow the user to retain their account activity from their original card (checkouts, holds, wish list, etc.) when they switch to their new card.
Please note: For reporting purposes, historical activity associated with the original barcode will remain associated with that barcode. Any activity after this merge will be associated with whichever barcode the user uses to sign into your public-facing website.
We recently made changes to our ILS and now users cannot sign in to our digital library website. Who should I contact for assistance?
Our ILS is scheduled for an upgrade or downtime. Who should I alert?
Can I create additional logins for my Advantage account in OverDrive Marketplace?
My library has an OverDrive Advantage plan. How can users see the titles we purchased for them through Advantage?
I’m interested in OverDrive Advantage. How do I find out more and enroll?
OverDrive Advantage gives libraries that are members of a shared collection the ability to offer popular titles—exclusively for their users. Find out more at our Service Enhancements page. When you’re ready to enroll, contact your Collection Development Specialist.
Each member of our consortium/school district orders content separately in OverDrive Marketplace? How can we ensure invoices go to the right people?
How can I obtain OverDrive’s W-9 form?
I need my content purchase to indicate my internal Purchase Order Number. How can I do that?
I am close to my fiscal year-end and I need an invoice quickly for my recent content purchase.
Content invoices are generally posted in Marketplace within 2-4 business days following the order, but are always dated the day the order was placed. Invoices are generated overnight and therefore cannot be issued the day of the order. If you have an urgent invoice request, contact our Accounting team via the Invoicing web form located on the Support tab in OverDrive Marketplace noting the specific date by which you need your invoice.
I have a credit balance, but I have received special funding and need to be invoiced for an order rather than have it applied to my credit balance.
How can I tell if I have any unpaid invoices or unused credits?
From the INVOICING > View invoices tab in OverDrive Marketplace, you can view your credit amount and the status of all invoices. You can also select ‘Search invoices’ and filter by status to specifically highlight unpaid invoices.
Where can I find my credit balance?
Credit balances are provided at the bottom of each content invoice. You can also view your credit balance by clicking the drop-down next to your name in Marketplace > Estimated Content Credit. You may also contact our Accounting team for the most updated information via the Invoicing web form on the Support tab in OverDrive Marketplace.
Content credit purchased on the Shop tab in OverDrive Marketplace is tracked in the Content credit order history report on the Reports tab.