Category: Library
MARC records for Kanopy
Spring Picks from OverDrive Librarians (February 2025)
Join OverDrive’s staff librarians to hear about the best books landing on your digital shelves this spring. We’re sharing can’t-miss titles for adult audiences, plus highlights in Thriller, Mystery, Fantasy, Poetry, and Cookbooks. Plus, you’ll also hear some of our favorite film picks on Kanopy!
Bonus: View the entire list of titles covered in this webinar in OverDrive Marketplace!
Subscriptions report
Repurchase weeded titles
10 Tips to Maximize Your Digital Library (December 2024)
Are you looking to get more out of your OverDrive digital library? Did you know your OverDrive team can help?
Join us for a friendly and engaging session and discover how to:
- Showcase your library’s brand in Libby
- Customize your patrons’ Libby experience
- Support your users (and yourself!)
- Consolidate your digital content offerings
- Share real-time data with your library users and stakeholders
Explore the Newsstand
Kanopy Town Hall for North American Public Libraries (November 2024)
Join the Kanopy team as we preview forthcoming cinematic titles, unlock exciting new product enhancements, and share compelling stories around our popular streaming models. There’s something for every public librarian. Here is what’s on deck:
- Get a first look at the new titles and suppliers coming to Kanopy.
- Hear inspiring, real-world marketing practices from library partners.
- Review recent and upcoming product updates.
- Gain access to Kanopy’s latest marketing toolkits.
All of that and so much more!
Kanopy Town Hall for Australia & New Zealand Public Libraries (November 2024)
Join the Kanopy team as we preview forthcoming cinematic titles, unlock exciting new product enhancements, and share compelling stories around our popular streaming models. There’s something for every public librarian. Here is what’s on deck:
- Get a first look at the new titles and suppliers coming to Kanopy.
- Hear inspiring, real-world marketing practices from library partners.
- Review recent and upcoming product updates.
- Gain access to Kanopy’s latest marketing toolkits.
All of that and so much more!
Promote Libby & Kanopy to Your Community (September 2024)
Join OverDrive experts for proven marketing ideas to increase engagement with your digital collections in Libby and Kanopy. This session will be packed with tips and free resources to use right away, including how to leverage print materials, social media, PR, email, and digital programming.
Advantage overview
Advantage Best Practices for Libraries
Newsroom Featured Title Campaign Editor
Navigate Tags
Navigate Notices
Libby update: July 2024
Title status & usage report overview
Purchase orders report overview
Current holds report overview
Checkouts report overview
Getting Started with Kanopy (June 2024)
Join OverDrive and learn how easy it is to get your patrons started with Kanopy. This session includes:
- Instructions for how to access Kanopy.
- A live walk-through of the user experience.
- Answers to frequently asked questions.
- Where to find Kanopy marketing and help resources.
Libby overview
Big Library Read LIVE – A Q&A with Dan Flores, author of Wild New World (May 2024)
Join thousands of readers from around the globe for “Big Library Read: A Q&A with Dan Flores, author of Wild New World”, where we dive into the lush historical ecology of North America like never before.
Take the opportunity to connect with the best-selling and award-winning author of Coyote America to hear Q&A questions about the writing process, history, and inspiration behind his newest nonfiction title, Wild New World.
Manage and maintain User Login Manager
Curation overview
Panel Perspectives: Learn How Librarians Engage Readers with Digital Magazines, Comics, and Graphic Novels (April 2024)
Is your library looking to engage new users, enhance your digital collection, and increase circulation? Join OverDrive and library experts for a panel discussion about comics and magazines in your digital library.
In this session, we’ll explore:
- How digital comics and magazines benefit libraries of varying sizes.
- Fun and unique ways libraries can market digital comics and magazines.
- Trends libraries are seeing around digital comics and magazines.
- More!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your digital offerings with expert advice from your peers.
Manage holds fulfillment
Fulfill holds for your users.
- 0:33 – Purchasing tools
- 0:50 – Holds Manager
- 2:30 – Metered Access Manager
- 6:50 – FAQ
Find holds
Find in-demand and one-off titles your users are waiting for.
- 0:30 – Advanced search
- 2:00 – Title ownership statistics
- 2:45 – Reports
- 5:30 – Patron interests
Holds management overview
Discover OverDrive’s three recommended steps for digital holds management.